
[INTERVIEW] Jayden Question and Answer Session

[INTERVIEW] Jayden Question and Answer Session

Hey guys! Time for another Q&A. Italian producer Jayden has taken the world by storm with his catchy and feel-good single, This Time. Featuring American singers Celine Farach and Matluck as guests vocalists, Jayden remains hidden despite promises that more tracks would follow soon after its release.

Prior to his releasing new music, I had the wonderful chance of interviewing Panda himself! Check it out below!

1. I absolutely adored your latest single, This Time. Can you describe its inspiration and how the collaboration with Celine and Matluck came about?
“This Time” was composed with the intention of creating an anthem for my panda-inspired Jayden character that would tell a tale and express strong emotions. Our key message was, “Now is the time to live your life and begin appreciating every aspect!”
Once we had produced our music, we recruited singers that fit the bill for this new project, accepting the challenge to finish song and video in under 30 days. I feel confident that this track conveys exactly what message I intended it to express.

2. What musical influences have an influence over your own creation of music?
I enjoy listening to all kinds of music and watching films. My goal with my Pop inspired EDM sound is to tell a story to audiences through dance music.

3. Why have you decided to hide behind an imagined identity such as that of a Panda head? What inspired this decision and the choice of this animal as your persona?
My friends ‘Mates’ wanted to start a music project and they thought me as an ideal medium; as experts in digital and video production. With them as artistic directors of my project, we spent a long time selecting an outfit best suited to me; ultimately deciding upon being dressed like a panda! Together we plan to make the overall ‘outfit’ even more spectacular.

4. Can we expect more music from you soon? Absolutely. At present I am working on numerous songs; one will be released before summer so stay tuned!

5. Are You Planning Any Tours Soon and What Can Fans Expect from Your Shows? As of now, I don’t intend on playing many events; however I am hopeful of performing one in Tokyo this spring since it has captured my heart! On June 1st I will also be in Milan celebrating my new song release with an event!

6. If given the chance, which artist/band would you want to tour with and why?
My musical tastes span multiple genres, yet I enjoy music by One Republic, Imagine Dragons and Coldplay; these groups’ sound are quite influential on my style. If it came down to picking just one producer I’d pick Zedd.

7. What would be your dream collaboration? I love taking on diverse projects with multiple genres, so maybe collaborating with one of the groups I mentioned. Mike Williams or Don Diablo would certainly make for interesting ideas too!

8. What message are you conveying through your music? There are multiple messages I hope to express with my music: orchestral pieces often touch my emotions deeply and let opportunities lead you in surprising directions; live fully in each moment; let opportunities unfold before you; push people towards living life more fully by being vulnerable about expressing strong emotions they’d otherwise avoid expressing; push people towards facing life head-on through my character and pushing people beyond fearful reactions towards stronger feelings they’d otherwise suppress.

9. What was your first album purchase? My first was Night Visions by Imagine Dragons. Perhaps that reveals something about my age ;).

10. What type of music are you currently listening to? Right now I’m exploring future house, so that is my main focus right now!

11. Which album from Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, Zedd or One Republic would be your choice and why?

12. Which song from 2019 have been your favorites so far?
So far, my favourite is Better When You’re Gone by David Guetta, Brooks and Loote.

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