
Payson Lewis Unveils ‘Nothing To You’ Music Video + Question and Answer Session

Payson Lewis Unveils ‘Nothing To You’ Music Video + Question and Answer Session

Payson Lewis, an up and coming indie-pop artist, released today the official music video for his amazing single Nothing To You!

I am thoroughly enjoying his passionate vocal performance that soars atop an upbeat indie-pop production filled with groovey guitar riffs and an engaging chorus. Directed by Collin H. Duffy (Superfruit, Hunter Hayes and Toly), Payson laments about being nothing more than doormat for his lover! Watch as Payson laments about only being used as doormat!
I had the great fortune of getting to ask Payson some questions about his music video, his musical influences, and what’s to come this year. We had an engaging Q&A which you can watch here!

As someone who really enjoyed your debut EP, Take Me Apart, filled with infectious pop gems, I’d like to express my admiration of its success. Now you’re starting off 2020 by releasing an exciting video for Your energetic new single Nothing To You and can you give us more details about its concept and the song itself?
Thank you very much, I’m thrilled you liked my debut record. Yes, I am really thrilled about this video; its concept ties directly into that of the song; it depicts a relationship I was in where I found myself giving and giving without receiving anything in return; at times feeling as if part of the furniture myself; so when making the video for it we tried to show this by depicting myself becoming just another object around the house; like being just another prop basically.

Do I foretell of an impending studio album release? Though I cannot give an exact timeline for its arrival, this initial taste of what could become a full-length studio release is certainly promising and may become the start of regular releases over time; my goal for 2018 is 4-5 songs released with more already prepared to come out shortly afterwards.

What musical influences and styles inspire your own compositions?
My musical influences stem largely from what I listened to growing up. Being the youngest of four boys, I often found myself listening to music from “before my time”, such as the Beatles, early Phoenix or Harry Styles’ album; thus enriching my artistic experience and expanding my pool of influences.

How did “The Sing-Off” shape your singing and performance career, and what lessons have you taken away from this experience?
Ah yes…that was long ago…But it was an eye opener: my first taste of business and national exposure. I learned so much about what it takes to succeed in this industry and just how fleeting your “fifteen minutes” can be – so after experiencing that event, it became even more motivating for me to create something lasting – since then I’ve been trying my hardest to build a lasting body of work.

What message, if any, do you wish to convey with your music?
My primary goal in creating music is to identify with my listeners and connect as part of a larger human experience. We all share many similar emotions in life – I want my songs to help people identify with and find relief within. Life becomes much simpler when we realize there are others out there who share in both joy and sorrow, so my hope is that my songs provide that temporary respite from loneliness and isolation felt by listeners at times.

Are You Preparing to Tour Anytime Soon and What Can Fans Expect at Your Shows?
Touring is one of my primary objectives and is currently underway – though in the meantime I have several shows coming up in LA that promise an engaging evening full of energy and fun! Expect me to get the crowd moving and singing along… it’s all part of sharing an experience together… and my aim is always to connect with every member of my audience so that they leave feeling they were part of something greater than themselves that night – memories will last longer!

If given the chance, which artist would you collaborate with and why?
I’ve always been such an avid admirer of Beck. While I may be intimidated to really take advantage of working with him, he is certainly someone I look up to as an artist. Beyond just artists though, there are so many songwriters I would like to work with and collaborate with – the ultimate being Max Martin; although, given a chance like that I likely wouldn’t survive it!

What was your first album purchase?
For me it was Green Day – Dookie. That record completely floored me and has held up even today…it is truly timeless. This record rocks.

What music are you currently listening to?
Like I previously stated, I have been enjoying Harry Styles’ new record as well as Julia Michaels, FINNEAS, Billie Eilish, Kacey Musgraves and Maggie Rogers among many others – however my taste usually lies with pop tunes written well!

Which album would be your perfect soundtrack for life and why?
Oof this question can be so challenging! Living without music would be impossible and here I am being forced to choose just one album (although if asked tomorrow I may come up with 5 more that are essential!). Here are my three suggestions if asked… The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill; Prince’s Self-Titled Album, Coming Home by Leon Bridges or Sgt Pepper’s are my picks at the moment… but ultimately I don’t think there can ever be only one! This question will remain open and will probably never end up as long as we live!

What was Your Favourite Song to Listen to in 2019?
Again, these challenging questions keep coming at me! So much amazing music was released last year… but the ones I listened to most were probably Billie Eilish’s entire record (on repeat for weeks on end!) or this lesser-known artist named Ginesse who released “Noise”, an extremely engaging fresh change of pace song!

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